Annabelle: Creation (2017) - The father buried the soul of his dead daughter in a doll

 The father buried the soul of his dead daughter in a doll

"Annabelle: Creation," released on August 11, 2017, and directed by David F. Sandberg, is a horror/mystery film with a runtime of 1 hour and 49 minutes. Distributed by Warner Bros. Pictures, the movie garnered a rating of 6.5/10 on IMDb, 70% on Rotten Tomatoes, and 5.5/10 on Filmaffinity, while 82% of Google users expressed their liking. The storyline revolves around a doll-maker and his wife, who, grieving the loss of their daughter, imbue her spirit into a doll. Years later, a nun and several orphaned girls staying in their home become targets of the malevolent doll, Annabelle. Cinematography for the film was handled by Maxime Alexandre, and it achieved commercial success, grossing $306.5 million worldwide.

The film begins in the 1940s with a dollmaker named Samuel Mullins and his wife, Esther, grieving the loss of their young daughter, Annabelle, who tragically died in a car accident. Twelve years later, they open their home to a group of orphaned girls and their caretaker, Sister Charlotte. Among the orphans is Janice, a polio-stricken girl who is confined to a wheelchair. Exploring the Mullins' house, Janice discovers a locked room containing a forbidden doll, Annabelle. Samuel warns the girls never to enter the room, but curiosity gets the better of Janice and her friend, Linda.

Janice finds a key and unlocks Annabelle's room, despite Linda's warnings. Inside, they uncover the doll and a series of eerie occurrences begin to take place. Janice experiences terrifying visions and encounters a malevolent presence that seems to be linked to the doll. As the supernatural activity escalates, Sister Charlotte becomes increasingly concerned for the girls' safety. Meanwhile, Janice's health deteriorates, and she becomes more vulnerable to the malevolent forces at play.

 It is revealed that Annabelle, the doll, is possessed by a demonic entity seeking a human host. Years earlier, the Mullins had unwittingly summoned the demon while attempting to contact their deceased daughter through a ritual. As the demon sets its sights on possessing Janice, the girls and Sister Charlotte find themselves in a desperate struggle for survival. With the help of a local priest, Father Massey, they attempt to banish the demon and rid the house of its evil presence.

In a climactic showdown, Janice confronts the demon and manages to trap it inside the doll once again. However, the victory comes at a cost, as Janice is left paralyzed and traumatized by her ordeal. The film ends with Janice being adopted by a new family, where she is cared for with love and support. Meanwhile, the doll, Annabelle, is locked away in a room filled with other cursed artifacts, kept under the watchful eye of the Warrens, paranormal investigators featured in "The Conjuring" series.

Annabelle: Creation (2017) Trailer

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