The VelociPastor 2017

The VelociPastor 2017

"The VelociPastor" begins with the character of Doug Jones, a very devout and sincere young priest who serves his congregation with much dedication in a small town. Doug's life is entirely different when he sees the tragic death of his parents in a devastating car explosion right outside his church. The trauma sends him to question his belief in God and his very purpose, sending him on a downward spiral into grief and doubt.

Looking for consolation and meaning, Father Stewart suggests to Doug that he needs to go on a journey to find himself and reattach to his faith. Realizing the need for some fresh environment, Doug takes the journey to China to pursue his quest for spiritual realization. As he roams through the untouched woods of China, Doug discovers a woman who is fatally injured and running away from someone without even seeing them. In her last moments of life, she hands Doug an ancient tooth and warns him to destroy it. As Doug examines the artifact, it cuts his hand, and he doesn't realize that through the wound some sort of mystic force enters his body.

Since he was at his own house, an unexpected and scary episode happened to Doug. Once while he is walking along, he notices muggers who confront a prostitute, Carol who is vivid and has some intelligence. He feels so angry that he turns into a mad raptor and beats a thief to death to save Carol's life. The next morning, Doug wakes up in horror and confusion as he sees blood on his hands and disjointed images from the events of the previous night. 

Carol finds Doug and describes what transpired. She convinces him that this is to be used for good. Auspicious but hesitant Doug is finally unraveling the mystery that is his chance to do something constructive about his problems with his newly found powers. They work together and form an unexpected partnership, where Carol is the one who inspires Doug to let The Destroyer free to fight crime and be a healer of the wounded ones. As Doug becomes more confident in his changes, he starts to take on crime all over the city and becomes a vigilante in the process. But he soon finds himself in the crosshairs of a secret society of ninja assassins headed by Wei Chan, who have nefarious plans regarding a highly addictive new drug that they plan to distribute across the world. The ninjas were so sure about the fact that Doug's powers are a threat to their work, because of the reason, they will take him out. Although, Father Stewart experiences an increase in his anxiety due to Doug's newly developed behavior so he begins looking for the help of Altair who is a little too wild exorcist who uses different and uniquely their methods as well. 

The exorcism attempt goes terribly wrong and provokes another violent transformation in Doug that leads to Altair's death and gravely injures and captures Father Stewart for the ninja clan. Determined to foil the plans of the ninjas and to save Father Stewart, Doug and Carol ready themselves for the final battle. They call in the help of Carol's friend Frankie Mermaid, a pimp who holds a grudge against the ninja clan, and he tells them where the clan is holed up and how it functions. The exciting final battle occurs when Doug and Carol enter the compound filled with ninjas. Doug finally unleashes his full velociraptor form and jumps into a crazy, no-holds-barred battle with an army of ninjas. During the intensity of the combat, several surprising revelations arise: the head of the ninja clan, Wei Chan, is revealed to be Doug's brother, whom everybody had thought had died many years ago. According to Wei Chan, their parents' murder was staged as part of the clan's larger plan to destabilize society so they could expand their drug empire.

This sets up the two brothers for a highly heated and emotional confrontation with each other, leading to a very fierce duel that Doug wins with the help of Carol, thus putting an end to the continuous terrorizing by the ninja clan. This victory does not come without its toll, though: Carol is mortally wounded in this fight. While in Doug's arms, she dies as he professes his love for her, which has left him shattered but firm. He ultimately decides to retain his powers, fighting evil and protecting the innocent until the end in memory of Carol and the sacrifices that came with the way. He abdicates from his priestly duties and accepts his new identity as man and beast in service to a higher purpose of justice and righteousness.

The movie concludes with Doug driving into the sunset, but now with a clearer direction in his heart and a sense that his special talents can make a difference in such a dark world. As the final scene suggests, adventures await: A newspaper headline reports mysterious vigilante sightings; the legend of the VelociPastor has just begun.

The VelociPastor 2017 Trailer

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