Too Handsome to Handle [2019]

Too Handsome to Handle [2019]

Too Handsome to Handle tells the story of a good-looking and charming young man by the name of Kulin who has been gifted-or maybe cursed-with excessive good looks. The trouble has been the source of constant turmoil, seeing people faint and/or obsess over him wherever he goes. He has decided to live a secluded life, avoid every kind of uncalled interaction with the outer world so that he and others may remain safe from this strange predicament. Despite this self-inflicted isolation, the family of Kulin loves him so dearly and tries to help him cope with the unusual condition he finds himself in. His younger brother, Kibo, is the complete opposite of Kulin in appearance-average looks but oozing with charisma. He often tries cheering his brother up, encouraging the latter to live more normally. Reluctant, Kulin does not want to venture outdoors, afraid that his looks will create chaos.

Things started to take a different turn in Kulin's life when he met Rere-a confident and outspoken girl who did not get overwhelmed by his surplus handsomeness. Rere was the new comer in the school and could not comprehend why all students and teachers alike paid attention to Kulin.She later finds out that indeed Kulin's case goes over and above his being popular; it is a real problem that has affected his whole life. Rere is curious and empathetic; she befriends him despite his resistance to her. In the course of helping Kulin through some of these awkward situations his looks bring his way, a friendship blossoms between them. She gives him courage to step out of his comfort zone and live life beyond his good looks. Time is spent more and more by the two, and with Rere's carefree attitude, Kulin finally feels normal for the first time in his life.

All does not, however, go smoothly. Kulin's overwhelming appeal remains a problem and attention towards him soon strains his friendship with Rere. For one, Rere starts getting peeved with all the distractions brought about by Kulin's looks, causing misunderstandings between them. Soon, Rere keeps her distance, unsure whether such singular circumstances would make their friendship survive. Meanwhile, Kulin starts to feel like he will never be able to live a normal life. His good-looking appearance has always been his defining feature, and he questions when people are ever going to see him for who he is. With increasing pressure, Kulin decides he will retreat back into isolation, and his life will always be determined based on the way he looks.

The turning point comes when he realizes that his friendship with Rere is far too precious to slip away from him. He decides to face his fears and the burdens attached to the way he looks. At the encouragement of Kibo, Kulin shows up for the school event to which he had expected the overwhelming attention again. Instead, he meets Rere, who is ready and waiting to support him through whatever chaos ensues. In a very touching moment, he tells her how much he wants to be perceived for something different than his appearance and apologizes for what had happened. Rere admits that it is difficult concerning Kulin's situation; however, she values their friendship and sees him through everything that does not regard his looks. They finally make amends, and Rere promises to help him find his balance in life despite all the attention he receives from other people.

He finally learns to love himself for who he is, and Rere and Kibo help him. Finally, away from the shadow of good looks, he begins to experiment with his identity; he notices there is more about him apart from his looks. At the end of the movie, Kulin, Rere, and Kibo are walking together, laughing and enjoying the small moments of life-a telling sign of Kulin's new confidence in embracing the world around him.

Too Handsome to Handle 2019 Trailer

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