Hanna - 2011

Hanna - 2011

"Hanna," directed by Joe Wright and released on April 8, 2011, weaves an intriguing narrative around the life of Hanna Heller, a 16-year-old girl raised to be the perfect assassin. The film unfolds as Hanna embarks on a mission that propels her across Europe, shadowed by an intelligence agent and her team. With an IMDb rating of 6.7/10 and a 72% approval on Rotten Tomatoes, "Hanna" is a gripping action thriller that captivates audiences with its tale of espionage, identity, and the consequences of genetic experimentation. Boasting a box office revenue of 65.3 million USD, the film features the skilled cinematography of Alwin H. Küchler and a compelling story penned by Seth Lochhead. Distributed by Focus Features, Universal Pictures, and Sony Pictures Releasing International, "Hanna" stands as a cinematic venture that resonates with both critics and audiences alike, earning a commendable 71% approval from Google users.

The movie begins in a snowy forest in Finland, where Erik Heller (played by Eric Bana), a former CIA operative, trains his daughter Hanna (played by Saoirse Ronan) in various combat and survival skills. Hanna has been raised in isolation and trained from a young age to become an expert assassin.

Erik reveals to Hanna that he was once part of a CIA program led by Marissa Wiegler (played by Cate Blanchett), who is now hunting them both. He instructs Hanna to flip a switch that will alert the CIA to their location. As planned, Marissa's team arrives, and Hanna escapes into the wilderness.

Hanna travels across Europe, encountering various people and experiencing the world outside her isolated upbringing for the first time. She befriends a British family on vacation, including their daughter Sophie (played by Jessica Barden).

Marissa becomes increasingly obsessed with capturing Hanna, viewing her as a threat to her reputation and career. She deploys agents to track Hanna's movements and eliminate anyone who aids her. Hanna reunites with Erik in Berlin, where he gives her a fake passport and tells her to meet him in an abandoned amusement park in the United States. He is captured by Marissa's agents shortly afterward.

Hanna is betrayed by a man claiming to be Erik's friend, who is actually working for Marissa. Marissa captures Hanna and reveals that Hanna is the result of a genetic experiment designed to create a super soldier. Marissa killed Hanna's mother and has been hunting Hanna and Erik ever since. Hanna manages to escape from Marissa's facility and reunites with Sophie, who helps her evade capture. Hanna confronts Marissa at an abandoned warehouse, where they engage in a brutal fight.

Hanna defeats Marissa and leaves her wounded but alive. She meets Erik at the amusement park as planned, and they reconcile. The movie ends with Hanna looking out over the ocean, contemplating her future.

Hanna Trailer

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