Hyena Road (2015)

Hyena Road (2015)

The film is set against the backdrop of the war in Afghanistan and traces a Canadian military operation in Kandahar Province. The story begins with a sniper team led by experienced but hardened Sergeant Ryan Sanders on an assignment to clear a road called "Hyena Road," a key supply route fraught with insurgents. From IEDs to ambushes, the way is filled with dangers; every stride forwarded is hazardous in nature. Sanders, along with his team, faces the threats with professionalism laced with weariness-the endless conflict taking its toll on them.

At headquarters, intelligence officer Pete Mitchell, who has never seen the front line of action, is the man backstage. His work involves the collection of intelligence and data, analyzing such information, and making decisions that seal the fate of soldiers like Sanders. Mitchell is removed from the cold, hard truth about war since he has never experienced the horrors of it. That would change when he found himself in the middle of a mission that would require much more from him other than tactical operations. Mitchell soon finds out that there is a mythical figure, "The Ghost," an ex-Afghan mujahideen fighter who has laid down arms and withdrawn deep into solitude. Knowing the terrain and with his relationships with the locals, The Ghost would be a critical ally against the Taliban. But to find him, no small feat is required; it needs a person with special skills. This is where Sanders comes in.

Mitchell meets with Sanders and describes the mission: locate The Ghost and get his cooperation. Sanders is laconic, and it's obvious he doesn't jump into something that smells much more political than military. Yet, duty requires him to accept the mission. He puts together his team, consisting of Warrant Officer Ryan and Sniper Justin, then treks deep into Taliban-controlled territory. Their crossing is taut with tension over a landscape full of ambush points. Every sound, every shade of shadow could be the signal for an ambush. It follows a team trekking through hostile villages, rugged mountains, and unseen valleys as Taliban fighters threaten at every turn. The various soldiers do the journey in stamina, trust, and resolution being tested. Sanders is more depressed with the grim realities of war because he has witnessed too much death. This is indirectly indicative of how much he understands the complications that arise in this part of conflict where alliances are tenuous and the distinction between friend and enemy again gets blurred.

Finally, they locate The Ghost in a village deep inside. He is a shell of his former self, drained by war, suspicious of what the Canadians want from him. Mitchell tries to convince him to join them, that his people are at risk and that they need protection from the Taliban. The Ghost is less easily stirred. Tired of fighting because he has lost so much in the prior wars, he immediately questions the nature of this new conflict and its relation to those that have gone before. The tone of the movie makes a complete flip as Sanders and his team are ambushed by the Taliban while negotiating with The Ghost-a fierce firefight shows the brutal reality of modern warfare. Bullets and explosions fly, yet the Canadians hold their ground. Sanders, being one cool sniper, begins to pick off the Taliban fighters with precision that protects his team and The Ghost. However, they were outnumbered, and their situation grows very serious.

Knowing it's their only hope for survival, Sanders calls in an airstrike on their position. The Ghost is finally moved by the lengths Sanders is willing to go to in order to protect his men and the villagers, agreeing to guide them through a hidden escape route just as the bombs start to fall. An airstrike decimates the Taliban forces, while Sanders' team does reach its goal alive but not without any casualties. The climax of the movie is when The Ghost finally unites with the Canadians, sharing his knowledge to help in winning Hyena Road. The road finally clears, but the victory is a very bittersweet one. Sanders and his men are not without loss of life, which weighs quite seriously among all men involved. Even Mitchell is different now, having witnessed horrors in war firsthand.The movie ends with Sanders back at base, reflecting on the cost of war. He learns that The Ghost has returned to his village, once more going into retreat from the world of violence.

Hyena Road is a strong war drama that plunges deep into the insides of modern warfare, the value of a human cost, and all moral choices that have to be weighed against those on the frontline. This is a story about courage, sacrifice, and an ageless fight between duty and humanity.

Hyena Road (2015) Trailer

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